We get the signatures you need!


We Get Petitions for You!

Overwhelmed with the daunting chore of getting on the ballot in Illinois?  Relax and let PSI (Political Signatures, Inc.) take over this burdensome assignment!

At PSI, we have a combined 30 years of experience navigating the process.  Let our experts handle the tedious task of the gathering of the signatures itself, the verification process, and the filing of the candidate’s packet in Springfield.


Who We Are

At PSI, we have a combined 30 years of experience in the political arena; thus, we are fully equipped to navigate the arduous burden of getting on the ballot.  Illinois laws have been in place for decades specifically designed to protect incumbents and prohibit ballot access generally.  A political neophyte will stand little chance of success without PSI in his corner!



We offer a simple and easy to use fee structure as follows:

$1 per signature (not verified)

$3 per signature (verified but not guaranteed)

$5 per signature (guaranteed)

Let us handle the grunt work.  You focus on your winning campaign!